
Add Your Memory

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I Remember...

I remember a million things about Rick. But the one I will always forever remember was while at a Halloween Party for the boys, Rick came up to me with a glass of punch. In it was a scary prop of a severed finger. It looked so real and Rick could not believe how great that was. It was funny to see this man enjoy this prop so much. He went on to put his hand in each creepy box to guess what he was feeling (gooey, yucky, sticky. He could be such a kid at times and I loved this fun memory of him.

Cheryl Stoops

I have such wonderful memories of the pre-hunting season dinners in our basement in Ferndale to kick off deer hunting in Harrisville. Al used to tell such wonderful stories of the Scouting adventures of Rick & Bob when he and Rick's Dad were leading the Scout Troop. I also remember being there when Rick received his Eagle Scout Award and how very proud we all were.

Joyce (Crumb) Ervin

I remember all the fun times I had with Rick and Elaine in high school and afterwards. I was honored to attend their wedding. My deepest sympathy to Elaine and her entire family.

Emilie Plank

the weekend at camp no-fun, riding in his car down the dirt roads at a 'modest' speed and getting diving tips for Hawaii. Will miss Rick.

John Dawe

Contact Us

  • Farmington Hills Chapel 31950 West Twelve Mile Rd Farmington Hills, MI 48334 (248) 553-0120

  • Canton Chapel 851 North Canton Center Rd Canton, MI 48187 (734) 981-4530