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I Remember...

I remember when i was very young, my father coming home and I would run to sit on is big black army boot, hug his leg and he would walk around with me attached. I remember Dad teaching me card games, often winning. Playing Trivial Pursuit with all of us and again often winning. As I grew my Dad gave us his appreciation of fine wine, a delicately prepared fish, a good hollandaise sauce. We talked about current events, religion, life. He never told me what to do, he listened and supported my decisions. He was interested in what ever I was doing, but also had his own life. He loved to travel, see places, new experiences, foods and people. He enjoyed other languages and history. He loved classical music and roses. He will be remembered and loved.

Julie Wilcox

Contact Us

  • Farmington Hills Chapel 31950 West Twelve Mile Rd Farmington Hills, MI 48334 (248) 553-0120

  • Canton Chapel 851 North Canton Center Rd Canton, MI 48187 (734) 981-4530