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I am very sorry to hear about the passing of Herb. He was a very dear friend of my grandmother, Sis Slagon. Both my biological grandfathers died before I was born, so Herb was the only Grandfather figure I had. I will always hold the fond memories close that I have of him. Including giving me animal crackers in the train car packaging and the newspaper "game" cut-outs when I visited my Grandma. He also was a great companion to my Grandmother, which I know my whole family is very grateful they found each other. Prayers to your whole family.

Greta Sibert
Ionia, MI

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  • Farmington Hills Chapel 31950 West Twelve Mile Rd Farmington Hills, MI 48334 (248) 553-0120

  • Canton Chapel 851 North Canton Center Rd Canton, MI 48187 (734) 981-4530